The first official event at Missouri State University-West Plains’ new amphitheater took place Sept. 6 when faculty and staff gathered at the new outdoor venue for a “Welcome Back” rally to celebrate the beginning of the fall semester.
“It is fitting that our faculty and staff were the first to ‘experience’ the amphitheater and envision what type of activities can be held there in the future,” Chancellor Shirley Lawler said. “The amphitheater is a great addition to our campus and our community and completes the space just west of the Smith-London Centennial Bell Tower.”
Area residents are invited to join the campus community from 5 to 7 p.m. Oct. 15 for a Fall Festival Kickoff at the amphitheater. This free and fun event will feature bands, food trucks, activities for children, and games for high school and college-age students, university officials said. More information about this event will be announced in the coming days.
In addition to university use, the amphitheater is available to reserve for activities and events sponsored by various community and private organizations, as well as the general public. Reservation requests can be made through the office of business and support services at 417-255-7258 or by emailing