For internal use by Missouri State-West Plains Faculty, Staff and Student Organizations.
When planning an event at Missouri State University-West Plains, there are several steps a person or organization should take to maximize the event’s success. This checklist covers pre-planning, planning and publicity for events.
- Review the university’s master calendar and academic calendar.
- Try not to schedule your event at the same time as another event that might involve the same potential audience.
- Try not to schedule public events on major religious holidays.
- Review any financial needs with the accounting manager in business office. Payment setup or receipt of funds could add time to the planning process.
- Do not take any additional action until you have reserved space for your event.
To Schedule a Facility
- To request use of a classroom or conference room, contact the office of registration and records to reserve the room or use the online Events Management System.
- Anyone requesting to use the Student Recreation Center should contact the coordinator of student life and development.
- Anyone requesting to use a non-classroom facility (other than the Student Recreation Center), including outside space on campus, should contact the director of business and support services.
- Anyone requesting to use the West Plains Civic Center for a university event should contact the university liaison with the civic center in the University/Community Programs Department.
- All requests from outside the university shall submit a facility reservation request.
For All Internal Events
- Submit event to the master calendar.
- Contact the director of information technology services ( and/or (417) 255-7911) regarding any technology needs.
- Contact the superintendent of physical plant ( and/or (417) 255-7268) regarding any set-up needs, including podium, chairs, etc.
- If the request is student-oriented, a faculty/staff advisor must be present at the event.
- Contact the business office ( and/or (417) 255-7260) to verify financial needs, including the taking of money.
- Contact the procurement specialist ( and/or (417) 255-7268) to confirm any purchasing needs.
- If the event involves individuals other than Missouri State-West Plains faculty, staff or students, notify the office of admissions prior to the event.
Publicizing Your Event
- Define your target audience.
- Decide how you will notify them of your event.
- If your organization or department has a social media account on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, post about the event beginning 2-3 weeks in advance and leading up to the event (including flyers, time, date, location, etc.) See social media guidelines and best practices before posting from a university account.
- Fill out the Publicity Request Form
- If in-house print media is needed, check the option in the Publicity Request form and fill out the requested information.
Five to six weeks before the event
(Select from the following as appropriate)
- Save the Date card: Send a Save the Date card for major events during busy time periods.
- Mailing: Send invitations, postcards or flyers to target audiences.
- Post Flyers: Develop flyer and post on campus and in the community. (If the flyer is to be placed off campus, please send it in Word or PDF format to the public relations specialist in the university communications office for a quick review. All flyers posted on campus should be reviewed by the coordinator of student life and development before posting.) Some community locations to post the flyer include West Plains Chamber of Commerce, West Plains Public Library and local businesses.
- Advertising: Contact the director of university communications if advertising is needed for the event.
- News Release: Complete the Publicity Request Form to contact the public relations specialist in the university communications office to develop a news release to be sent to area newspapers and radio stations.
- Photographer: Complete the Publicity Request Form to contact the public relations specialist in the university communications office to request a photographer to take photos at your event. Note: Photographer availability is limited, and request approvals are dependent upon on schedule.
- Radio Interview: Contact the director of university communications to arrange for a radio interview concerning your event at one of the local stations.
- Banners and Posters: Complete the Publicity Request Form and check the Print Job needed option. Then fill out that portion to contact the graphic designer in the university communications office to arrange for a banner and/or posters to be developed that you could place on campus or other locations to promote your event. Large print jobs that cannot be completed locally should be submitted through the Springfield campus printing services.
Three weeks before the event
(Select from the following as appropriate)
- Master Calendar: Ensure master calendar date, time and location is accurate.
- Take Note: Send information to the public relations specialist in the university communications office to be placed in Take Note email to all faculty and staff. Deadline is noon each Friday for the following Monday’s Take Note.
- Student Bulletin and Stall Study: Send information to coordinator of student life and development to be sent to students via email and posted on Stall Study.
- Digital Signage: Submit content to at least seven (7) business days prior to the first date the content is to be displayed on the digital signage system.
- Chamber Email: Contact the director of university communications to have your information submitted to the West Plains Chamber of Commerce email list.
- Civic Organizations: Have event announced at local civic organization meetings (Chamber of Commerce/Rotary/Lions Club/Kiwanis/Optimist). The director of university communications can provide contact information.
During an event
- Photos/Video: Take photographs or video, as appropriate.
- Cash/Check Handling: Ensure proper cash/check handling procedures are followed. The procedures can be found at the business office procedures page.
- Connect Online: Encourage attendees to use social media, including hashtags connected to the university and events.
After an event
(Select from the following as appropriate)
- News Release: Complete the Publicity Request Form to contact the public relations specialist in the university communications office to develop a post-event news release to be sent to area newspapers and radio stations. If possible, include an event photo.
- Post Photos: Add a few photos on social media if appropriate.
- Radio Interview: Contact the director of university communications to arrange for a radio interview discussing what took place at your event.
- Thank-Yous: Send thank-you notes to off-campus volunteers, donors, speakers, etc., with newspaper clipping and/or photo, if available. A hand-written note is always best, if possible.
Revised 20230725