What services does the registration and records office provide to students? The office of registration and records provides a myriad of services to students, but mainly we provide course registration, transcripts, degree audits and awarding of degrees. We house FERPA compliance, grade changes, grade entry, GPA calculation and academic standing, just to name a few. Course schedules for each semester, tuition and fees, and refund schedules are all built in the office. We are here to serve students, help them succeed and to educate them on our policies and procedures.
What do you find most rewarding about working at Missouri State-West Plains? I thoroughly enjoy working with students. I am blessed to be able to teach IDS 110 (Student Success), so I get to be involved with students through that outlet. I enjoy our wonderful staff and faculty each and every day. I get to work with many departments and people. Missouri State-West Plains’ employees have a huge heart for this campus and our students, and I get to be a part of that every day.
What advice would you give a current student about succeeding in college? Ask questions! Get to know your instructors and other staff around campus. They are there to help you be successful. Visit with financial aid representatives regarding any questions you might have. They really are nice people. Be an educated student and be aware of refund policies, drop deadlines and other policies around campus. Get involved in student life! Go to campus events, athletic events, and get to know other students on campus through study groups and classes. Go to your classes every meeting time to get the best education you possibly can.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I enjoy going on float trips and spending time with my three kids and husband. I enjoy soccer events with my son, swim meets with my daughter and doing crafty things with friends and co-workers. I love to go on a good shopping trip, eating great food and listening to music. Traveling is on my bucket list of things I want to do.