Area Future Farmers of America (FFA) members who want to continue their affiliation with the agriculture education organization following high school graduation can do so now through a new alumni and supporters chapter at Missouri State University-West Plains (MSU-WP).
University officials recently formed the MSU-West Plains FFA Alumni and Supporters chapter as a collegiate chapter of the National FFA Organization. The chapter has been registered with the National FFA Organization and is recognized by the Missouri FFA Association, chapter adviser Dakota Bates said.
“We wanted to form this chapter to be a support group for area high school FFA chapters,” he explained. “If a chapter needs contest judges or speakers, we want to be that resource for them. We also hope to provide some financial support to chapters that may have individuals who want to participate in the organization’s activities but do not have the means to do so.”
What it is
According to the National FFA Organization website, FFA Alumni and Supporters chapters were created in 1971 as a form of membership within the National FFA Organization with a primary purpose to support and promote FFA, FFA activities and agricultural education on local, state and national levels.
FFA Alumni and Supporters chapters help rally the local community around agricultural education and FFA activities by providing a natural, supportive resource for FFA advisers and their students. FFA Alumni and Supporters chapters also provide a helping hand to FFA advisors in coordinating activities for the local FFA chapter.
“Having one of the most prestigious and truly student-oriented organizations on our campus will be a milestone for us in the years ahead,” MSU-WP Chancellor Dennis Lancaster said. “Our collegiate FFA Alumni and Supporters chapter will not only encourage and support our campus agriculture students, but it also will bring student leaders and their fans to engage with us as we expand and enhance our ag programs in the very near future.”
How to join
Membership in the MSU-West Plains FFA Alumni and Supporters chapter is open to former FFA members, graduating FFA members at area high schools, and others interested in supporting agriculture education, including MSU-WP faculty and staff and community members, Bates said.
“We’re extremely excited to offer this opportunity for our students. This is the perfect avenue for our former FFA students, the community and area high school students who want to continue their FFA membership after graduation to remain active in the organization they’ve devoted so much of their time to.”
For more information about the MSU-West Plains FFA Alumni and Supporters chapter and how you can join, contact Bates at 417-255-7960 or